Read the latest news from Taronga

The sea is essential to our survival, bur our oceans are under threat. Climate change, overfishing and plastic pollution are placing huge pressure on…
Posted on 22nd December 2017 by Media Relations

2019 is just around the corner, and with it the promise of a fresh new year’s resolution to fulfil.
Posted on 22nd December 2017 by Media Relations

Nothing screams Australian summer than BBQ prawns – it is simply un-Australian not to have a BBQ prawn recipe up your sleeve.
Posted on 22nd December 2017 by Media Relations

Taronga Zoo have welcomed three Alpacas to the Zoo, the first time the species have been at Taronga in 20 years.
Posted on 22nd December 2017 by Media Relations

Taronga’s keepers, nutritionists and animal behaviourists surprised many of the Zoo animals this morning with Christmas-themed treats and enrichment.
Posted on 22nd December 2017 by Media Relations

Every day, we can take action for our oceans by refusing the ‘Big 4’ single-use plastic items.
Posted on 19th December 2017 by Media Relations

In just over twenty years, it’s predicted that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish and that every seabird on the planet will have…
Posted on 19th December 2017 by Media Relations

We spend a large portion of our lives at work, so it makes sense that we’d try to make this environment reflect our own commitment to reducing single…
Posted on 19th December 2017 by Media Relations

Plastic may be durable and cheap to manufacture, but these same reasons are exactly why it’s so harmful to our planet.
Posted on 19th December 2017 by Media Relations

Every year at Taronga, numerous marine turtles are rescued and rehabilitated at our wildlife hospital. More often than not, they have ingested some…
Posted on 18th December 2017 by Media Relations

Every piece of plastic ever created still exists somewhere. It’s a reminder of why it’s so imperative we all do what we can to reduce the amount of…
Posted on 18th December 2017 by Media Relations

Taronga Zoo Sydney today announced the birth of a cute yet endangered male Australian Sea-lion pup named Moby, which has made a playful splash in his…
Posted on 15th December 2017 by Media Relations