

Read the latest news from Taronga

How to use less plastic in the kitchenHow to use less plastic in the kitchen
How to use less plastic in the kitchen
How to use less plastic in the kitchen

If you’re looking to take the next step when it comes to tackling plastic pollution in your daily life then the next best place to start is your…

Posted on 12th December 2017 by Media Relations

Celebrate Summer at the Zoo these holidays!Celebrate Summer at the Zoo these holidays!
Celebrate Summer at the Zoo these holidays!

#School Holidays, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Celebrate Summer at the Zoo these holidays!

A Spider Monkey baby, two Ring-tailed Lemur babies, a rare Southern Black Rhino calf and White Rhinos on the African Savannah – these are just some…

Posted on 11th December 2017 by Media Relations

Orphaned Boobook Owl gets a second chanceOrphaned Boobook Owl gets a second chance
Orphaned Boobook Owl gets a second chance
Orphaned Boobook Owl gets a second chance

A five-week-old Boobook Owl was found orphaned at a children’s playground in Sydney’s Killara and brought to Taronga Wildlife Hospital this week.

Posted on 04th December 2017 by Media Relations

Koala joey emerges from the pouch in time for summerKoala joey emerges from the pouch in time for summer
Koala joey emerges from the pouch in time for summer

#Animals, #Taronga Zoo Sydney

Koala joey emerges from the pouch in time for summer

Taronga Zoo is delighted to announce the tiny face of a male Koala joey has appeared in time to catch the warmer weather.

Posted on 04th December 2017 by Media Relations

Double trouble - Ring-tailed Lemur babiesDouble trouble - Ring-tailed Lemur babies
Double trouble - Ring-tailed Lemur babies

#Animals, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Double trouble - Ring-tailed Lemur babies

In the midst of a Zoo baby boom, Taronga Western Plains Zoo is proud to announce the arrival of not one, but two Ring-tailed Lemur babies!

Posted on 04th December 2017 by Media Relations

A wild lifeA wild life
A wild life
A wild life

Bradley Trevor Greive is a passionate advocate for animals and an author of more than 20 books, including the heartfelt real life story of a magpie…

Posted on 29th November 2017 by Media Relations

Chimp Baby Born at Taronga Brings New Genes to the FamilyChimp Baby Born at Taronga Brings New Genes to the Family
Chimp Baby Born at Taronga Brings New Genes to the Family

#Animals, #Taronga Zoo Sydney

Chimp Baby Born at Taronga Brings New Genes to the Family

Taronga Zoo Sydney has welcomed the successful birth of a significant baby Chimpanzee!

Posted on 24th November 2017 by Media Relations

Making friends with the fishing catMaking friends with the fishing cat
Making friends with the fishing cat
Making friends with the fishing cat

Educating fishermen on the importance of the fishing cat may be key to the species survival.

Posted on 24th November 2017 by Media Relations

Lion cubs turn oneLion cubs turn one
Lion cubs turn one
Lion cubs turn one

Taronga Western Plains Zoo’s four African Lion cubs have turned one!

Posted on 23rd November 2017 by Media Relations

African Lion Pride Lands set to impressAfrican Lion Pride Lands set to impress
African Lion Pride Lands set to impress

#Building a Better Zoo, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

African Lion Pride Lands set to impress

Taronga Western Plains Zoo’s much anticipated African Lion Pride Lands is set to impress, as construction of the $9 million exhibit nears completion…

Posted on 23rd November 2017 by Media Relations

Discovering more about wildlife diseaseDiscovering more about wildlife disease
Discovering more about wildlife disease
Discovering more about wildlife disease

Taronga Wildlife Officer Jane Hall returns from a whirlwind research trip that saw her meeting with wildlife diseases experts from all over the world…

Posted on 21st November 2017 by Media Relations

Rare Black Rhino calf born on HalloweenRare Black Rhino calf born on Halloween
Rare Black Rhino calf born on Halloween

#Animals, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Rare Black Rhino calf born on Halloween

Taronga Western Plains Zoo is pleased to announce the arrival of a rare Southern Black Rhinoceros calf, born on 31 October to mother Bakhita and…

Posted on 21st November 2017 by Media Relations