

Read the latest news from Taronga

Preventing Shark AttacksPreventing Shark Attacks
Preventing Shark Attacks

#Science, #Research, #Taronga Conservation Society Australia

Preventing Shark Attacks

Even though shark attacks are random events and remain an unlikely danger for humans entering the water there is always a level of risk involved. To…

Posted on 09th August 2017 by Media Relations

NSW Girls Academy visits ZooNSW Girls Academy visits Zoo
NSW Girls Academy visits Zoo
NSW Girls Academy visits Zoo

Taronga Western Plains Zoo welcomed a group of 170 girls and their development officers from 10 Girls Academies across NSW on Wednesday, who enjoyed…

Posted on 04th August 2017 by Media Relations

A Day in the Life of Dr Karrie RoseA Day in the Life of Dr Karrie Rose
A Day in the Life of Dr Karrie Rose
A Day in the Life of Dr Karrie Rose

What happens on a typical work day at Taronga? Dr Karrie Rose, Manager of the Australian Registry of Wildlife Health, takes us behind the scenes of…

Posted on 03rd August 2017 by Media Relations

Echidnas look sharp for loveEchidnas look sharp for love
Echidnas look sharp for love
Echidnas look sharp for love

Keeper Imogen explains why Taronga’s Short-beaked Echidna breeding program is so special, and the bizarre mating ritual she is watching for.

Posted on 03rd August 2017 by Media Relations

Jai Dee grows in confidenceJai Dee grows in confidence
Jai Dee grows in confidence
Jai Dee grows in confidence

Jai Dee is growing in confidence, learning to swim and eat. Keeper Gabe tells us which foods Jai Dee is starting to try and just how many muscles he…

Posted on 03rd August 2017 by Media Relations

Two healthy Addax calves born in JuneTwo healthy Addax calves born in June
Two healthy Addax calves born in June
Two healthy Addax calves born in June

Taronga Western Plains Zoo is pleased to announce the arrival of two healthy Addax calves, born in late June.

Posted on 28th July 2017 by Media Relations

Conservation South Luangwa FellowshipConservation South Luangwa Fellowship
Conservation South Luangwa Fellowship
Conservation South Luangwa Fellowship

TWPZ Keeper Bobby-Jo Clow tells of her two-week Fellowship with Conservation South Luangwa.

Posted on 24th July 2017 by Media Relations

A check in with the lion cubsA check in with the lion cubs
A check in with the lion cubs
A check in with the lion cubs

Taronga Western Plains Zoo’s four male Lion cubs are nearing eight months of age, and are displaying their boisterous, active personalities more than…

Posted on 20th July 2017 by Media Relations

New Eland babies kick-start calving seasonNew Eland babies kick-start calving season
New Eland babies kick-start calving season
New Eland babies kick-start calving season

Five healthy Eland calves were born in the past two weeks, which marks the start of calving season for this antelope species at Taronga Western…

Posted on 18th July 2017 by Media Relations

Lion Pridelands Taking ShapeLion Pridelands Taking Shape
Lion Pridelands Taking Shape

#Building a Better Zoo, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Lion Pridelands Taking Shape

Construction of the exciting new African Lion Pridelands exhibit at Taronga Western Plains Zoo is progressing well, with the project now past the…

Posted on 13th July 2017 by Media Relations

Black Rhino calf born in April named 'Mesi'Black Rhino calf born in April named 'Mesi'
Black Rhino calf born in April named 'Mesi'

#Animals, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Black Rhino calf born in April named 'Mesi'

Taronga Western Plains Zoo is excited to announce a name for 12-week-old female Southern Black Rhinoceros calf – ‘Mesi’.

Posted on 07th July 2017 by Media Relations

Farewell to Taronga Western Plains Zoo DirectorFarewell to Taronga Western Plains Zoo Director
Farewell to Taronga Western Plains Zoo Director
Farewell to Taronga Western Plains Zoo Director

Matthew Fuller has resigned from the position of Director after more than 12 years of service to Taronga Western Plains Zoo.

Posted on 06th July 2017 by Media Relations