Call of the Wild
You don’t need a cape…just a can-do attitude.
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Whether on land or in the sea, an elephant, a turtle, a frog or a bee, Taronga is committed to doing great things in conservation. We’re all connected We believe in a world that we can share; a world where all our wild species and wild places can make a comeback.
We believe in YOU! You can help us act for the wild. Imagine how awesome our power and reach could be if we did this together?!?
We’re going to get you prepped to be curious, explore, act, make change and be the change for the wild right from the comfort of your own home and at your school and local community.
We believe that everyone has a superhero inside them ready to stand up for the planet. Join our new generation superhero squad of conservation champions and be a hero for change!

Wild Squad-tionary
We want you to be in on the lingo too. Ramp up your vocab with these Wild Squad buzz words to add to your WILD SQUAD-ITIONARY. Keep building on this list when you visit every holidays and you'll be a conservation scientist extraordinaire before you know it!
- CONSERVATION: preservation, protection or restoration of the natural environment and of wildllife
- ANIMAL KINGDOM: every animal - from butterflies to bears to Black-breasted Buzzards to you - belongs in this scientific grouping
- FAUNA: the animals of a particular region, habitat or geological period
- FLORA: the plants of a particular region, habitat or geological period
- MISSION: an important operation, expedition or assignment given to a person or group of people
Choose your mission
Accept this mission and track Sumatran Tigers through Way Kambas National Park.
Accept this mission and get the buzz about bees: the superheroes of the animal kingdom!
Accept this mission and you get the inside story of how Chimps Chat to each other!
Accept this mission and you help to guide elephants along an ancient trail.
Accept this new mission and create resilient landscapes for Regent Honeyeaters.

Download the app
Just a cool click away...
Come to the Zoo because we need Wild Squad agents like YOU! Getting started on your in-zoo missions is as simple as downloading the Taronga Zoo Sydney App and heading to the Wild Squad page.