School Work Experience

School Work Experience

Gain experience at the Zoo.

Applications for 2025 Work Experience are now full.

All applications for the Taronga School Work Experience Program must be made by the school careers advisor.

Wondering if work experience at Taronga Zoo is for you? 

If you’re interested in a career in animal husbandry, veterinary practices or wildlife conservation, work experience at the Zoo could be the perfect way to test the waters in the animal care industry.

Students completing work experience at the zoo will be given the opportunity to participate in the following: 

  • Observe a variety of work in the fields of zoo keeping or animal care, veterinary hospitals and wildlife conservation 

  • Undertake basic supervised tasks in these fields 

  • Gain skills and knowledge related to working within the zoo industry 

  • Investigate training and employment opportunities with Taronga 


What tasks might I be undertaking on work experience?

You will be exposed to a wide range of duties that could include: 

  • Cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. Anything from windows to animal exhibits, to poo.  

  • Food preparation and distribution for the animals 

  • Raking and other general duties 

  • Assisting with keeper talks 

  • Observation of animal training routines 

  • Supervised animal care with non-hazardous species 

  • Observing and recording animal behaviour information 

  • Interacting with guests  

  • General administration


When does work experience at Taronga occur? 

Taronga Zoo offers work experience placements during the NSW Department of Education school term only. Students complete work experience for one full week, Monday to Friday. The placement will start at 8am and finish at 3pm each day, with two breaks throughout the day for morning tea and lunch. 


How can I apply?  

Your application must be submitted through your careers advisor using the online form below. If you think this work experience placement is for you, please get in touch with your careers advisor to make an application. We will not accept any applications submitted by students or their parents/caregivers.

With regard to fairness, Taronga is only able to accept one student per school, across both Taronga Zoo and Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Careers advisors must only submit one application. Placements are processed in order of receipt. Placements in Taronga’s work experience program are very competitive, so careers advisors are recommended to get in quick.

Applications for 2025 have closed, as all placements have been filled and we have an extensive waitlist. Applications for 2026 will open on the first day of Term 4.


Can I do work experience at Taronga Western Plains Zoo? 

Applications for Taronga Western Plains Zoo have now closed as they are also full for 2025. 



Please direct all communication about applying through your careers advisor, including any further questions you might have.  


Meet a Keeper

If Work Experience is fully booked, you may wish to attend Meet a Keeper. This is a one-day program for school students aged 14 years and over who have expressed a keen interest in pursuing a career at the Zoo. Meet Keepers, hear about their career pathways and learn about the variety of pathways to working in a zoo. Find out more.