Need to know
- Home to the Zoo's newest arrivals, three female Lion cubs
- Free with Zoo entry
- Open daily during Zoo hours
Let us formally introduce Amali, Mara and Imani - all names that pay homage to Masai Mara National Park in Kenya - a stronghold for wild African lion populations 🦁
Amali is very confident and shows a strong love for food. Mara is audacious and has a playful behaviour of flicking her tail around like a helicopter when she is showing her confidence. And Imani is the quieter one who prefers to wait and see before making any decisions. Come and see them for yourselves!
What to expect
During your Lion Pride Lands experience, you’ll be transported to the African plains where the Lion is king.
Experience both sweeping and close views of the Lions. See the pride of the zoo - three playful cubs born in early April 2022, now at home in our Lion Pride Lands habitat with mum Marion and dad Lwasi.

Fast facts about lions
- The African Lion lives in savannahs throughout African countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Kenya
- A lions roar can be heard from over 8km away!
- Lions can leap up to 12m and can run up to 60km/hr
- A lion’s large, healthy, mane says two key things: ‘stay away’ to other males, and ‘come here’ to females
- Lions and other cats (including your domestic cat) have an extraordinary organ in the roof of their mouths called the Jacobson's organ, which allows them to "taste" smells

How you can act
Humans and lions have shared the same Africa lands for a very long time. Africa is a very special place and lions are one of Africa’s most important animals, however lions are in dangerous decline.
Lion populations across Africa face many threats to their continued existence. As development expands, habitat disappears and the normal prey of lions vanishes, human-wildlife conflict is born and extinction is a real possibility for these majestic apex predators.
Zoos Victoria, Zoos South Australia and Taronga are now working together to support the The Northern Rangelands Trust and the Beads for Wildlife campaign. By simply buying a Beads for Wildlife souvenir next time you visit one of our Zoos, you can help provide relief for wildlife and communities half a world away.