Wild Futures Projects
This new facility will replace the existing veterinary, quarantine and animal nutrition facilities. The relocated and expanded hospital will not only provide modern facilities for wildlife care, nutrition and research but also significantly increase capacity for the treatment of resident animals in addition to expanding and improving capacity for the treatment and rehabilitation of wildlife species.
The new Wildlife Hospital in Dubbo will act as a regional hub for the treatment of Koalas, Platypus and arid birds like raptors. There is a desperate need for a rehabilitation flight tunnel facility to prepare birds for release. The new Wildlife Hospital is set to be a unique aspect of the overall zoo experience, allowing guests to see the Zoo’s Hospital team in action and learn about wildlife conservation.
Taronga is a leader in reptile and amphibian conservation in Australia. The development of the new centre will allow Taronga to continue to lead the recovery of species that would otherwise be lost to future generations. It will provide critical breeding space to support zoo-based conservation programs to ensure important species, such as Corroboree Frogs, are protected for decades to come.
Project progress

Meet the Architects bringing the new Wildlife Hospital to life at Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo.
Imagine being tasked with designing a state-of-the-art wildlife hospital that can cater to a team of veterinary professionals caring for native sick and injured wildlife like raptors, koalas and bilbies as well as zoo-bred critically endangered animals preparing for their release to the wild like tiny Plains-wanderer chicks and Regent Honeyeaters.

Design Intricacies of a Turtle treatment and rehab
Creating the most effective treatment hub for the growing number of marine turtles needing lifesaving care at Taronga is a complex undertaking.

A new Wildlife Hospital is Coming to Dubbo.
Taronga Western Plains Zoo is always looking ahead, planning for a greener future, and acting for the wild. The Zoo’s new $14 million Wildlife Hospital will do exactly that.
Construction of the new hospital is steaming ahead with an opening planned for later this year.